Our Story

Brianna's Story and the Inspiration behind UFL

I’ll always remember the moment I told my mom I thought I was pregnant. It was my sophomore year in high school, and my mom and I were on a drive. Her response was that I am getting an abortion, and there’s no further discussion about it. Sure enough, the pregnancy test was positive. I suppose as a young woman, I felt I did not have a voice and had to follow what I was told to do. I knew this abortion was going to take place, and I was devastated. I knew abortion was murder. I knew it was wrong. I loved my baby with all my heart, and it broke me knowing that no one else did, and they’d rather the baby disappear. I wish I would have spoken up for my child. I enjoyed every second I had with my baby when I was pregnant, knowing the terrible event that was looming ahead. The night before the abortion, I already wanted to die. I walked into the clinic completely numb. The procedure still haunts me to this day, and I prefer not to share much about the details. It’s a horrific experience, and for me personally, I’d say it was traumatic. When I returned home, not only was my baby missing, but my soul was gone too. I spent the following two years in the darkest place I’ve ever been. I was depressed and suicidal. I didn’t talk to anyone at school - I kept to myself. I skipped class all the time, not to hang out with friends like the other teenagers, but to sleep. For nearly two years all I did was sleep or imagine ways I could end my life.

The turning point was when I heard God's audible voice for the first time in my life. In psychology class, we watched a movie about a teenage mother who kept her baby. I was overcome with shame and sadness, so I bolted out of the classroom, got in my car, and drove home. I was driving and crying out to God, “Please forgive me, please forgive me. I’m so sorry. Why did this happen? How could I have done this!” In my wailing, a voice overpowers my own and says “You ask me to forgive you, and yet you don’t forgive yourself”. God spoke. I had to forgive myself in order to accept His forgiveness. Not long after this, I lost a cousin to suicide. It wrecked our family, and I knew suicide wasn’t an option for me anymore. I didn’t want to cause anyone more suffering. I needed to heal and to be strong for my loved ones. So, many story continued on… 

Ten years later, I found myself in another unplanned pregnancy. I was shocked, but understood that all babies are a gift from God. The dad was and still is struggling with issues of his own and isn’t involved. However, my family was supportive and have helped me raise my sweet baby boy. A couple months after giving birth, I was reflecting on how blessed I am to have the support I do, and God gave me a heart for women who may be lacking support and community. I thought about how many women there are who want their babies but are being pressured to abort or feel alone and scared. It crushed my heart. I don’t want anyone to suffer the way I did in highschool. I don’t want women to abort their babies because they feel alone or are being pressured to. Although I would love to end all abortions, I feel that God is calling me to this specific niche of women who are being pressured. So, Unite for Lives was born. UFL exists to prevent forced and pressured abortions by empowering women to choose life! I wish someone would’ve been at the abortion clinic the day I went and told me they would help me - so that’s what I’m going to do. UFL has a large banner addressing women who may be feeling pressured to abort, and we connect them to community resources depending on what she needs given her situation. There are vast financial resources, housing assistance, adoption options, and so on that we can equip women with so they feel confident to choose life. We also offer free postpartum support so that she doesn’t feel alone. If a mom signs up for the postpartum program, a volunteer will visit her home to help with housework, running errands, or holding the baby so the mom can rest. Volunteers are also emotionally supportive and the idea and hope with the postpartum program is to unite community members so we can all support each other and be the hands and feet of Christ. Life is so much better done together! 

UFL is also educating communities on the negative emotional impacts of abortion. This issue isn’t discussed enough in our society, and I want to change that. Women ought to be fully aware of the potential psychological risks of abortion such as depression, regret, guilt, shame, anxiety, and more. UFL has a YouTube channel that will be used to educate people on this issue as well as sharing testimonies about abortion trauma to get the conversation going. If you want to share your story, please contact me!

Thanks for taking the time to read my story and learn about UFL. If you would like to learn more or partner with us, you can visit our contact page or email me at [email protected]